Disability Services at Taft Law School
Taft Law School’s mission with respect to disability services is to provide equal access to applicants and students with disabilities while maintaining the integrity of the School’s academic standards. Taft’s administration is dedicated to providing accommodations and services to qualified students with disabilities so they may achieve their full educational potential. This includes educating Taft faculty and staff about disabilities, federal regulations, and accommodation methods.
Operating Principles
1.The School prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities, and will continue to develop training and resources to encourage and increase sensitivity and awareness of disability issues.
2.The School is dedicated to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Therefore, the School will continue to develop and coordinate policies and procedures, and provide services and access to academic courses, activities and programs.
3.The School respects the independence, rights, and dignity of people with disabilities. Therefore identifying oneself and/or requesting accommodations is completely voluntary.
4.In accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),
the School will handle all data on students with disabilities confidentially.
Student’s Rights And Responsibilities
People with disabilities at Taft Law School have the right to:
People with disabilities at the School have the responsibility to:
Taft Law School’s Rights and Responsibilities
The School has the right to:
The School has the responsibility to:

Frequently Asked Questions
Student Success
Our goal is to create a supportive, success-oriented
learning environment, inspire growth and serve our

Disability Accommodations General Instructions
Form A
Petition for testing accomodations
Form B
Physical Disabilities
Form C
Learning Disabilities Verification
Form D
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder (AD/HD) Verification
Form E
Mental Disability Verification
Form F
Visual Disability Verification